While the economy in Mystic Country slowly recovers from this economic debacle, we look to each other for signs of improvement. We often ask our sphere of influence how business is going and believe that the answer will somehow act as a road sign for what is to come or a litmus test of our own present success level. For some reason there are always a few individuals in each trade who consistently remain busy and the work continues to flow to them like a river to the sea.
I pride myself in working with the best business people in our region. These individuals have not only mastered their craft but they uphold a moral code and desire to do what is right. Have you ever worked with someone who took pride and ownership in their trade? A sincere desire to do their best for others?
Rick Abdow, the founder of Shoreline Sentinel Home Watch,( http://www.shorelinesentinel.com/) is a great example of someone providing a unique, value added service to people who own vacation or summer homes on the Mystic Country Coastline. Many home owners enjoy the spring and summer months dining at our restaurants, shopping in our villages, and bouncing along the coastline in their boats but return to warmer climates during the fall and winter.
Rick provides peace of mind to these people by customizing a plan to make sure that their home remains safe and secure while they are away. Responding to alarms, watering plants, emptying dehumidifiers, assessing damage immediately after a storm and digitally documenting all concerns are just a few of his duties.

Occasionally owners will call Rick at the last minute to say they are coming into town with friends or family. Rick immediately races to the store with a short list including coffee, milk, eggs, flowers, beer and possibly steaks. The temperature of the home is adjusted, fridge is stocked, and boat is ready to go. Rick goes above and beyond to make sure that the owner’s stay is enjoyable.
If you know of a local, reputable, business person (painter, plumber, Dr., Dentist, etc) with traits similar to those of Rick, with an impeccable track record of satisfied clients…please send an email to tbray@brayconsultants.com as I would be happy to supply them with referrals.
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