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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Proposed Stimulus Package

The economy is without question still in a tumultuous state. The American population waits anxiously for the Government to fix the problems, extend incentive programs, and insulate us from the harshness of reality. It is time for each of us to get creative and try to solve some of the problems that exist in our local communities.

I propose that we STIMULATE our local waterfront communities by instituting nude beaches. Nude beaches would create a draw from outside the area, bring tourists, increase spending at our local restaurants, shops, and hotels. Maybe the swimsuit shops would feel a little pain but the rest of the economy would prosper.

I am not being serious….but I do think that we need to start to think outside the box and come up with some local solutions to a worldwide problem. I hope that I made you chuckle a little bit today. Life is short, live, laugh, and play hard.

Puzzle: Draw four straight lines (without lifting the pencil from the paper) which will cross through all 8 dots.

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Tim Bray, B.S. Real Estate & Urban Economics (UConn)

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